
Documentation: Markdown

Markdown basics
  • “Markdown” is type of code that allows you to format your text when adding blog posts or comments.
*This band* is **awesome**. I had to [Google]( them. This band is awesome. I had to Google them.
  • Lists are easy, and you can easily separate sections with lines, if you want:
* List
* List


1. Another
1. List
  • List
  • List

  1. Another
  2. List
Linking artists, labels, and users
  • vkgy has its own special version of Markdown that has additional features.
To generate an artist link, type its name in /slashes/, and the system will do the rest. In most areas, as soon as you type the first /, the system will offer autocomplete suggestions.

Similarly, typing = will produce a list of labels, and typing @ will produce a list of vkgy users.

@inartistic said that /orgel/ belonged to =matina=. said that ORGEL (オルゴール) belonged to .
  • If you would like to link an artist but display a different name, you can follow the slashes with the [display name] like so:
/inspire/ used to be called /inspire/[Ruin's;lave]. Inspire used to be called Ruin's;lave.

Please note that the [display name] must immediately follow the artist's name (if there is a space between them, it will not work).
  • You can embed images, and give them a title if you'd like.
![You can also leave the brackets blank, if you want.](
  • Easily embed release information from vkgy, or tweets, or YouTube videos, just by pasting the link:
Advanced: how linking works
  • Most users don't have to worry about this, but if you're curious, this is how linking works.
When you type / and select an artist, a pretty token with that artist's name will be shown in the textarea. However, the text that's actually added will look like this: (123)/band name/[optional display name].

The (123) portion is the most important part: the artist's ID. This is what's used by the database to generate the link. The /band name/ portion is purely decorative, and is there for the editor's sake. And [optional display name] is of course used to set an alternate display name.

So with that being the case, you may occasionally encounter plain text that looks like (123)-that just means that someone manually entered the band ID instead of using the handy dropdown.

A similar pattern is followed for labels: {123}=label name=[optional display name].