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Showing news tagged Schwarz Stein
Schwarz Stein のニュース

2025-02-01 01:27:00 inartistic
What is pikopiko kei?

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2025-01-20 23:54:00 inartistic
What is tanbi kei?

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2022-03-01 22:58:00 inartistic
Our interview with Kaya about his 15th anniversary

Kaya recently granted us the opportunity to interview him about his 15th anniversary activities. Please enjoy!

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2022-02-04 12:21:00 Serox_Visual
Kaya crowdfunds first full album in eight years!

Kaya, the one and only singer who transcends gender and genre, is accepting the challenge of crowdfunding a new full album.

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2021-05-23 07:49:00 cherrylng
Schwarz Stein new single: “Pandemonium”

Schwarz Stein will release a new single for the first time in two years!

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