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Showing news tagged Mischievous
Mischievous のニュース

2016-10-31 19:02:00 inartistic
Mischievous to pause activities

Mischievous has announced that they will indefinitely pause activities after their 2017-01-23 sponsored event at Osaka (大阪) LIVEHOUSE D'.

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2016-07-02 14:55:00 inartistic
CYBER CIRCUS TV 「Darktrick VOL.14」

Mischievous, PINOCCHIO (ピノキオ), and Ultimate Sonic are among those who appeared at Darktrick VOL.14 on 2016-05-22 at HOLIDAY OSAKA, which is available for viewing (for a limited time) through CYBER CIRCUS TV.

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2016-05-16 18:34:00 inartistic
Mischievous live-limited single 「Blind Doll」

Mischievous will release a live-limited single, Blind Doll, in August.

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2016-04-21 08:50:00 inartistic
Minor news 4/21

So busy lately ( ;∀;) So, sorry for the lack of updates. Here are some minor ones from recent weeks:

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2016-01-31 21:49:00 inartistic
Minor news roundup 1/31

Minor news roundup for 1/31:

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2016-01-29 20:30:00 inartistic
A few KISAKI and LIN updates

KISAKI mystery meeting, LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) talk session, LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) web appearance, and Shingen Kichi SPECIAL stream:

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