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What is iryou kei?


The quick definition of iryou kei

Iryou kei (医療系) bands are visual kei bands who always stick to medical themed outfits (often splattered in blood) and medical concepts.

A brief history of iryou kei

The subgenre is most strongly associated with LuLu, who, from 2005 on, expressly marketed themselves as an iryou kei band. Their concept was fully-realized: they wore doctor uniforms (often blood-splattered); held “examinations” instead of lives; played “prescriptions” instead of songs; and centered their lyrics around medical afflictions.

But LuLu didn't create iryou kei; the term appeared in subgenre lists at least as early as 2001, and long-running session band +ISOLATION had fashioned themselves as a “hospital” or “doctors association” since 2000.

But +ISOLATION weren't the first iryou kei band either. ZXS (ゼクス) and Mercuro employed the concept as early as 1998; SEX-ANDROID even earlier, in 1995. And yet, none of these bands was particularly well-known; somehow it has been accepted as a subgenre for more than a decade despite an unclear origin and only a handful of bands.

Although it's unclear why iryou kei was so readily accepted as a subgenre, the term itself was probably coined to describe the common trope of visual kei bands adopting a medical theme for one release, such as MALICE MIZER with ILLUMINATI in 1998. This was especially common with kote kei (コテ系) bands around the turn of the millennium, including Beata, Mëbius, Loz'a≠Veria, SCHELLEN, and many others.

Some propose that the medical trend was inspired by Nagoya kei (名古屋系) band merry go round. And indeed, they were one of the earliest bands to integrate medical bandages into their looks in the mid 1990s. Others propose that the initial influence was hide in his 1992 book Mugongeki (無言激) which featured several medical-themed photos.

At any rate, iryou kei has been viewed as a subgenre since roughly 2001, albeit one that is defined by looks and length of activity rather than sound. It is sometimes associated with speedy songs that are purpose-built for boisterous lives, but this is probably due more to the trend of kote kei (コテ系) bands temporarily employing the aesthetic; most full-time iryou kei bands sound distinct from one another.

The “height” of iryou kei would 2008, when LuLu briefly went major among a small surge of popularity of visual kei. But their major debut did not lead to the emergence of other iryou kei bands. The trope has remained popular though, with bands like GRIEVA (グリーヴァ), ZAKLIA, and Zeke Deux employing it temporarily.

Since LuLu there have been very few full-time iryou kei bands. GE+IM was the most visible, but paused activity in 2023. Solo project Eversick. and band Mizukami CLINIC (水上クリニック), however, are still active as of 2025.

Why is it called iryou kei?

Simply because iryou kei (医療系) {medical treatment style} described the costumes of such bands. It probably first appeared in the later 1990s as doctors' uniforms became a trope among kote kei (コテ系) bands. It seemingly started to appear on subgenre lists in the early 2000s.

What are the other names for iryou kei?


What does iryou kei look like?

Medical themed costumes: lab coats, nurse outfits; stethoscopes; gauze, bandages; white gloves; Red Cross iconography. Photoshoots are often in medical examination rooms or run-down buildings. Often splattered in blood.

What does iryou kei sound like?

Could theoretically sound like anything, as it is identified purely by visuals. But typically kote-kei-esque in sound, with a particular emphasis on speedy songs that encourage headbanging, rushing, and other energetic audience participation at lives.

Is iryou kei a legitimate visual kei subgenre?

Not really. There are very few full-time iryou kei bands, they are not concentrated to a particular time period or location, and they do not share similar sound influences. In normal circumstances, we would not consider this a subgenre.

However, iryou kei has consistently been included on Japanese subgenre lists since such lists first appeared around 2000, so we are including it here purely out of cultural precedent.

That being said, as a trope it is extremely common, with many visual kei bands throughout the decades adopting the concept for one particular release or event.

Iryou kei alignments

Generally rock.

Completely themed worldview.

Store-bought costumes.

Typically more concerned with lively shows.

No extreme in either direction.

Disturbed, but rarely angry.

Often associated with lively shows.

Themes are very simple, but not childish.

When was iryou kei active?

The subgenre was never especially active, but the trope was perhaps most popular in the early 2000s, “most popular” when LuLu was major in the late 2000s, and continues in small numbers as of 2025.

What are the representative iryou kei bands?



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