This month's featured artist is: Mamireta (まみれた)!
Welcome to the 1st installment of the New Releases Playlist for 2025 ♫. This playlist contains new music, as well as music newly added to the platform. For example, some labels have backfilled their discographies which is why you will see older albums from 12012, SCREW, and BORN.
Cover artwork was made + photographed by OmoideNoKage.
This month's playlist features entries from: MATHILDA (マチルダ), 30sec certain victory, JIGSAW (ジグソウ), MAMA., sugar, Chanty, nurié, GOLDEN BOMBER (ゴールデンボンバー), Magical BAD trip, Garakuta (我楽多), DEN-NO HIMECA (電脳ヒメカ), Luv PARADE, ZIYOLA, VIVARUSH (ビバラッシュ), SUPERKNOVA, HUMAN ERROR, vistlip, Lyrica (リリカ), Tatsuro (逹瑯), fesFE[M], GRAVITY (グラビティ), Tenebrae, XANVALA, UNiTE. (ユナイト), ANFIEL (アンフィル), BLACK GROW BERRY, UNTIL'D ASH, DEZERT, CHAQLA., DEVILOOF, Vox Caprae, Kaya, RENGEKI, and more!