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Showing news tagged Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS
時空海賊SEVEN SEAS のニュース

2020-06-10 17:21:00 Seraphim
All visual kei bands on Spotify in 2024

Every day, there are more and more visual kei bands on Spotify. Although it's great to have access to vkei on streaming services, it's increasingly difficult to keep track of what is available where. We hope that this page can help you find vkei music more easily.

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2019-06-27 20:37:47 Laurence02
Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS new DVD-R: “Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS Official Bootleg LIVE DVD”

Jikuu Kaizoku SEVEN SEAS (時空海賊SEVEN SEAS) has released a new DVD-R.

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2015-07-06 18:53:00 Seraphim
New (???) Band - Devil Kitty

Related to the previous post, signed to Rockstar is a """new""" band DEVIL KITTY, fronted by the very sarcastic, and somewhat eccentric, Yuuga. As some of you may remember, back in the early 2000's (prior to the closing of Eternal) there was another band named DEVIL KITTY that Yuuga was in. While this band shares the same name, they are supposed to be considered two separate entities. Yuuga's also nabbed Majyu as the drummer for this band, so I'm interested to see how active SHAPE SHIFTER is with a part-time drummer.

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