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What is shiro kei?


The quick definition of shiro kei

Shiro kei (白系) refers to visual kei bands who stand in contrast to the “darkness” of the typical visual kei band; they are light in spirit and delicate in sound, but not necessarily soft; one or more members are typically dressed predominantly in white-colored costumes (which are still recognizably visual kei).

A brief history of shiro kei

L'Arc~en~Ciel formed in 1991 and had buzz from the very start due to the members' previous bands. Their initial style was more akin to kurofuku kei (黒服系) (which was the standard visual kei style at the time), with particular influence from DEAD ENDーtheir first single was even released through the indie label affiliated with that band, Night Gallery.

Even early on, the band abstained from releasing demotapes or handing out flyers (”required” promotional activities for most bands); they hired staff so as to never be seen carrying their own instruments; and they avoided announcing lives in advance. These calculated tactics, along with their high technical ability, made them seem especially rare or precious.

In 1993, they released their first album, DUNE. It displayed the same high technical ability and stylistic influences as their earlier work, but from an new angle that felt particularly light and transparent compared to typical kurofuku kei (黒服系). Even vocalist HYDE sounded more melodic and delicate in his delivery, compared to earlier recordings.

It was also at this time that the band's looks became ”lighter,” and that vocalist HYDE began emphasizing his physical beauty with more feminine hairstyles and makeup. The new image did not present the band as happy or poppy, but as ethereal and delicately feminine.

Through all of these qualities—looks, sound, and aura—L'Arc~en~Ciel stood out from the wider visual kei scene. Some fans and media outlets began describing the band as “light” in comparison to the rest of visual kei, which had hitherto been primarily “dark.” That is shiro kei.

L'Arc~en~Ciel went major in 1994, and their follow-up album, Tierra, further refined their shiro kei style. But soon after, they joined several other vkei stars in shedding their visuals—and so, in total, that shiro kei period was only about a year.

Around the same time, existing band La'cryma Christi picked up the shiro kei baton. They too were particularly “light” and “feminine” in appearance, and were also highly technically proficient. They would have their own major debut in 1997, and would then be considered one of the “four heavenly kings” (so-called for their extreme success).

By 1997, the era of kurofuku kei (黒服系) over, and the “darkness” of visual kei had been passed down to the heavily-decorated kote kei (コテ系) bands. Shiro kei became more flashy too, with bands like LAREINE, Raphael, and BAISER wearing costumes that were kote-esque in silhouette but sublimated into shades of white.

These three bands illustrate one of the peculiarities of shiro kei: even more than other subgenres, it seems to rarely encompass a band's entire body of work. It is often mixed with other subgenres such as tanbi kei (耽美系), or donned temporarily by kote kei (コテ系) bands.

Another peculiarity is the subgenre's closeness (at least in the late 1990s) to soft visual (ソフビ). For example, Kreis Sequence Factory, Inc. bands like D≒SIRE, BLÜE, and Ray have all been referred to as either subgenre depending on the era. There is a faint border between the delicate fantasy of shiro kei and the approachable realism of soft visual (ソフビ).

In the early 2000s, the baton of shiro kei representative was passed to Rentrer en Soi. Produced by BAISER vocalist Yukari, they became almost an extension of his former band's style. Vocalist Satsuki (砂月) had similarly beautiful vocals, and a feminine appearance; and the band's songs presented as a white-colored version of kote kei (コテ系).

In 2006, Rentrer en Soi joined a wave of bands who abruptly switched to loud kei (ラウド系), and broke up after. So just the bands in this article, their shiro kei period lasted only a few years in total. Since then, new shiro kei bands have continued to appear, but in low numbers: Pashya in the late 2000s; Lil.y and Vior gloire in the 2010s; ramiel (ラミエル) and FerrisWheeL in the late 2010s, and so on.

Since the 2010s, shiro kei has gained another “faint border” between it and the newer art kei (アート系). Bands like amber gris and Generich. have been labeled as either, depending on the listener's viewpoint. Although this is a subjective, one might think of shiro kei as “always light and fantastical” and art kei (アート系) as “light or dark, natural, and surreal.”

As of 2025, the most common form of shiro kei has remained bands who adopt the style for particular releases (such as NETH PRIERE CAIN or ZERA (ゼラ)) or particular songs (such as DazzlingBAD).

Why is it called shiro kei?

Shiro kei (白系) {white style} began appearing in the 1990s as a descriptor of the aura around bands like L'Arc~en~Ciel. Rather than literally meaning “the color white,” it was used in a figurative sense to contrast the perceived “darkness” of the rest of visual kei.

What are the other names for shiro kei?

Some Western fans use the translated name “white kei” instead of the romanized name “shiro kei,” but such usage is discouraged. (Some also use the term as a synonym for soft visual (ソフビ).)

Alternatively, some Western fans use the term “soft kei” to refer to shiro kei (instead of in reference to soft visual (ソフビ) as one might assume).

Occasionally, the term shiro kote kei (白コテ系) appears in describing bands who play a “white version of kote kei (コテ系),” but such bands are captured within shiro kei, so the distinction is unnecessary.

What does shiro kei look like?

One or more members (usually the vocalist at least) in primarily-white fabrics; flowy, oversized silhouettes; feathers, flowers, lace, and tulle. Photoshoots may give the feeling of being in a fantastical setting, or in a romanticized location like Paris. Vocalists may have especially long and “feminine” hairstyles. Rarely smiling; stoic, peaceful, or contemplative. Occasionally, all members may wear similar loose-fitting black suits.

What does shiro kei sound like?

Early L'Arc~en~Ciel, especially DUNE. Often vocals that are smooth, practiced, and beautiful; “singers.” Pleasant, pretty, and feminine, with little shouting or screaming. Strong melodies throughout the entire song; rarely violent. At the same time, not generic enough to sound non-visual. Floating and nostalgic, but not overly-energetic, childish, or saccharine.

Is shiro kei a legitimate visual kei subgenre?

Barely. There are so few examples that it probably wouldn't be considered one if it weren't so unusual among the visual kei scene.

Shiro kei alignments

Pretty rock pop, but still rock.

Poetic worldview that may not be fully fleshed-out.

Realistic clothing worn in fantastic ways.

Often centered around talented vocalist.

Especially isolated to maintain worldview.

Loving, melancholic, or nostalgic.

Usually a calming and light energy.

Meant to seem mature, but concepts can be simplistic.

When was shiro kei active?

It started around the release of DUNE in 1993. The “height” would probably be 1997, when La'cryma Christi, Raphael, and BAISER were active at the same time, but there was never a particularly high number of member bands. One has appeared every few years through 2025.

What are the representative shiro kei bands?

Representatives: L'Arc~en~Ciel

Others: La'cryma Christi, BAISER (later), SHAZNA (early), Rentrer en Soi (middle)


Edit History

  • 2025-01-15: added context about DUNE


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What is shiro kei?

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I would recommend Secilia Luna and Izabel Varosa as examples of this, along with Angels' Temptation as a modern full-time example. Anyway, great stuff!
EDIT: I somehow missed Angels' being on the playlist, good looking out :)

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Those are great suggestions!
