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The new drummer of LIN is...

The new drummer of LIN is...

So, I happen to know the new lineup of 2nd period LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-). But! I would feel bad posting it before KISAKI makes his official announcement on March 20th... So, I thought we'd play a game: each day I'll reveal another member, leading up to the full reveal on the 20th. Sound good? Let's start:

The new drummer of LIN (凛 -THE END OF CORRUPTION WORLD-) is... click here to find out

※ If the full lineup leaks somewhere else before the 20th, I'll go ahead and post the full information. But hopefully that won't happen, because this way allows me to give you guys inside information without feeling completely horrible about it ;)


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The new drummer of LIN is...

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Is this going where I think it's going

The new drummer of LIN is...

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The new drummer of LIN is...

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Great Game :D Knowing the drummer now we can clearly assume who the vocalist is going to be XD
