The quick definition of shironuri kei
Shironuri kei (白塗り系) bands have one or more members who always wear stark-white face paint, and frequently play with other bands who meet the same definition. These bands are typically active around the fringes of visual kei (and may not be vkei at all), and tend to play punk or electronic rock.
A brief history of shironuri kei
Historically, the trope of painted-white faces goes back before the existence of visual kei and was utilized by bands in the 1980s like ZIN-SÄY (人生), who were themselves an influential rock/new wave/electronic band signed to the “strange indies label” NAGOMU RECORDS (ナゴムレコード). Such bands are undoubtedly the inspiration for many of the artists in this group.
As a visual kei subgenre, shironuri kei is generally considered to have started in 2000. That is the year in which the omnibus Ikei no Utage (異形の宴) was released by major label NIPPON CROWN (日本クラウン). That CD was self-described as featuring “5 strange heretics of the rock scene:” GURUGURU Eigakan (グルグル映畫館), Rauya (羅宇屋), Inugami CIRCUS Dan (犬神サアカス團), Jigokue (地獄絵), and Onmyo-za (陰陽座), most of whom utilized shironuri.
You may notice that, depending on your perspective, each of these bands is “barely visual kei” or “not visual kei.” And indeed, the omnibus billed itself only as a “rock” omnibus. This is a defining feature of shironuri kei: such bands are typically only at the fringes of the visual kei scene, or are not visual kei at all—and fans often disagree about which is which.
At any rate, 2000 was also the year that the label ART POP RECORDS opened. That label was home to shironuri kei bands like METRONOME (メトロノーム), FLOPPY, SEX-ANDROID, MAMONO (マモノ), and eventually NoGoD. It is also responsible for the long-running event series Shironuri Gakuen (白塗り学園) {Shironuri Academy}, which actively promotes the shironuri kei scene.
Another early home of shironuri kei is Satsugaienka VINYL (殺害塩化ビニール), the label founded by THE CRAZY SKB. Along with his band QP-CRAZY, it was home to shironuri artists like Dokusatsu TERRORIST (毒殺テロリスト), Dagashi Kashi (駄菓子菓子), and Suicide Squad.
The label started in 1988, but didn't see much crossover with visual kei until roughly 2002, when its Ugou no Shuu (烏合の衆) omnibus was released. The same year saw the Tokyo UNDER MAP (東京UNDER MAP) omnibus, which featured shironuri kei bands like SEX-ANDROID and ANTI-KRANKE alongside Misshitsu kei (密室系) bands.
This touches on the fact that shironuri kei and Misshitsu kei (密室系) often overlap. We propose a few points of distinction: 1. Misshitsu is closely associated with vkei, while shironuri also includes non-vkei artists; 2. shironuri tends to be punk or electronic, while Misshitsu is a more broad; and 3. all visual shironuri bands can be called Misshitsu, but the reverse is not true.
An especially popular segment of shironuri kei around this time consisted artists like Shinjuku GEWALT (新宿ゲバルト), FLOPPY, Himitsu Kessha CODOMO A (秘密結社コドモA), and PINOKIWO (ピノキヲ). These are also all considered pikopiko kei (ピコピコ系) due to their heavily electronic sound—but it's important to keep in mind that not all shironuri artists are pikopiko artists, and not all pikopiko artists are shironuri.
The mixing of shironuri kei with typical visual kei bands remained prevalent through 2006, thanks to events and releases by ART POP RECORDS and misshitsu neurose (密室ノイローゼ). During this time, even orthodox visual kei label UNDER CODE PRODUCTION had shironuri acts.
From roughly 2010 onward, shironuri kei bands have continued to exist, but are more active among themselves than within visual kei. This is best demonstrated by a series of shironuri omnibuses organized by OZOMA SEEDS (オゾマシーズ) around 2020, each of which features artists that are visual kei only in the loosest sense.
As of 2025, only a very small number of shironuri kei bands operate fully within visual kei, such as CHINCHIN (チンチン). And others, such as Kane to Juusei (鐘ト銃声) could be considered shironuri kei due to their makeup, although they fit more neatly within other subgenres.
Why is it called shironuri kei?
Shironuri kei (白塗り系) {painted-white style} is a very literal name. It refers to artists who paint their faces stark-white, and was an established phrase prior to the existence of visual kei.
This paint is not necessarily in reference to kabuki (that style is more referenced in wafuu kei (和風系)) nor corpse paint (more referenced in kote kei (コテ系)). It is probably most closely associated with the Angura Engeki (アングラ演劇) movement of the 1960s and 1970s, which occasionally saw white face paint used to give a bizarre appearance.
What are the other names for shironuri kei?
None, although its member bands often fall into other subgenres as well. Additionally, shironuri is a trope that exists outside of visual kei, and may be used to describe non-visual bands.
What does shironuri kei look like?
One or more members who always have their faces painted stark-white, but do not necessarily give the impression of kabuki paint or corpse paint. The face paint is usually very obvious, with natural skin being shown on the neck or hands. The paint may be roughly applied, and may have other graphic elements such as black or red around the eyes or lips. It often gives a punk impression and may be paired with stuck-up hair or a bald head. It is somewhat frequently paired with Showa-era uniforms (school uniforms, military uniforms) or medical garb.
What does shironuri kei sound like?
Typically punk or electronic that is unusual for visual kei, but may also pull from other inspirations. Could theoretically sound like anything.
Is shironuri kei a legitimate visual kei subgenre?
Vaguely. It's true that it is mostly recognized by its visuals, but it does tend to bring certain sounds and concepts to mind. Additionally, it helps parse out the mixture of bands that can be called Misshitsu kei. It has also appeared in subgenre lists since rough 2001, and so is also included here by convention.
Shironuri kei alignments
Varies greatly, but trends toward rock.
May have general concept but not precious about it.
Rarely costume-like, but avoids normal clothing.
Certain musicians may be technical.
Breaks boundaries but is not idol-like.
Not happy per se, but rarely serious.
Depends greatly on the band.
Mature concepts often treated irreverently.
When was shironuri kei active?
Mostly in the first half of the 2000s, when ART POP ENTERTAINMENT frequently brought together shironuri kei bands and typical visual kei bands. Seemingly less popular within visual kei after 2006, although many of its bands have remained active.
What are the representative shironuri kei bands?
rock: GURUGURU Eigakan (グルグル映畫館), SEX-ANDROID, Inugami CIRCUS Dan (犬神サアカス團)
metal: NoGoD
punk: Dokusatsu TERRORIST (毒殺テロリスト), ANTI-KRANKE, MAMONO (マモノ)
pikopiko kei: METRONOME (メトロノーム), Taiheiyou BELT (太平洋ベルト), Himitsu Kessha CODOMO A (秘密結社コドモA)
Edit History
2025-01-30: adjusted representatives
2025-02-02: corrected typo in label name
What is shironuri kei?
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SEX-ANDROID is such an incredible band. I'd recommend anyone who enjoys them or anyone else mentioned in this article also check out THE THINNERS (ザ・シンナーズ) and THE NOSTRADAMNZ .
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