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Session band [R:codE] is now project band "project 74952-REVERSE CODE-"

Session band [R:codE] is now project band "project 74952-REVERSE CODE-"

Session band R:codE changes to project band IXIA (イクシア) on November 3rd.

Session band R:codE has changed themselves into a project band called IXIA (イクシア) on November 3rd. Each member also has their own colour theme. How their road colours will be coloured isn't only a matter of the members but also a matter of everyone around them.

While the project band sounds like an idol band with a Visual Kei look, they are in fact a Visual Kei band as the misconception is mainly down to how they are marketing the band and themselves.

The members of IXIA (イクシア) consists of the following:

  • VOCALS Kirisaki NEKU (霧咲ネク) | Ex-(JAGUAR (ジャガー) → BUREA (ブレア) → Cu[be] → ASHLEY (アシュリー) )
  • GUITAR Hayate (颯) | Ex-(Re:Яays )
  • BASS Shota
  • SUPPORT DRUMS Azuki (梓姫) | Ex-(TearLace → A'LETZA → Kimi, Shinitama Fukoto Nakare (君、死ニタマフコトナカレ) )

For now, the band has not announced any live performances or new releases yet, but do keep your eyes on them!


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Session band [R:codE] is now project band "project 74952-REVERSE CODE-"

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ah yes, another "visual" band wearing street clothes and Power Rangers color coords. cursed times we live in.

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But why do you aim to deny that wearing these clothes can be visual kei today? I think this has appeared since the birth of Oshare kei like BAROQUE.

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Visual kei is just not so stiff and all of the styles compose the culture of visual kei today.

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osare kei fashion was actually creative. this band is not.

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Well to evaluate whether a band's fashion is creative or not is just your subjective opinion. Where are they guilty for?
