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Jikkentai NEMESIS one-day revival


NEMESIS will hold a one-day revival on 2016-01-05 at OSAKA MUSE.

If you don't remember, NEMESIS was a continuous session band formed by guitarist SAN after the disbandment of NEGA. It featured ex-Reeper vocalist Saica and ex-Vior gloire drummer ARU. Guitarist Hiroya and bassist Nagi joined for the session's last live, and that lineup became official band the:Ø.

It has been confirmed that the 2016-01-05 performance will not feature the full lineup, but Nagi and SAN have already confirmed their participation.

That should kill the rumors of SAN being hated by everyone for joining BFN, lol.

EDIT: Saica and Aru, plus ex-LUCHE. guitarist Hikaru, have also confirmed their participation in the revival.


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