VISHNU (ヴィシュヌ) forms some time in 2002.
V. Kairi (魁利) / ?. Lead / G. Aki (亜鬼) / ?. Secondary / G. Karura (迦楼羅) / B. Hijiri (聖) (*lineup unconfirmed)
At some point, Lead G. Aki (亜鬼) and B. Hijiri (聖) secede. B. Ren (蓮) joins.
At a later time, B. Ren (蓮) secedes and is replaced by B. Denbo (でんぼ). V. Kairi changes his name notation to かいり, and G. Karura changes his notation to かるら.
VISHNU joins Luciffer's Record.
VISHNU (ヴィシュヌ) sponsored event 『ETHNICAL PARTY ~CURRY AND NAAN~ (エスニカルパーティー~カレーアンドナン~)』 is held
VISHNU (ヴィシュヌ) sponsored event 『ETHNICAL PARTY ~CURRY AND RICE~ (エスニカルパーティー~カレーアンドライス~)』 is held
VISHNU performs at Takadanobaba (高田馬場) AREA--perhaps their last live?
VISHNU performs at Takadanobaba (高田馬場) AREA--perhaps their last live?
VISHNU (ヴィシュヌ) was a visual kei band. They were part of the soft visual subgenre. They were active from 2002 and are now disbanded.