KuRt forms.
V. Tenten (てんてん) / G. Yuma (癒マ) / G. Ryoki (伶姫) / B. Oto (鳴兎) / D. Kiaki (規明)
First official live held after a series of "secret" lives.
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY vol.1~ (初主催ライブ~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN's PARTY vol.1~) Held.
First oneman Kikyouto3biki ~Sendai-hen~ (帰響都3匹~仙台篇~) Held.
Second oneman Neo Tokyo Rinkai Chokutsuu Ressha ~Shibuya-hen~ (ネオ東京臨界直通列車~澁谷篇~) Held.
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY vol.2~ (初主催ライブ~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN's PARTY vol.2~) Held.
Twoman with Fatima held.
Oneman Hakidasu Aka (吐きだす赤) Held.
Oneman Kuroi Kodou (黒い鼓動) Held.
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY vol.3~ (初主催ライブ~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN's PARTY vol.3~) Held.
Oneman in the future Held.
Bassist Oto (鳴兎) secedes.
V. Tenten (てんてん) / G. Yuma (癒マ) / G. Ryoki (伶姫) / B. KURO・KOSUGI (support) / D. Kiaki (規明)
Bassist Saburo (三狼) joins.
V. Tenten (てんてん) / G. Yuma (癒マ) / G. Ryoki (伶姫) / B. Saburo (三狼) / D. Kiaki (規明)
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY vol.4~ (初主催ライブ~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN's PARTY vol.4~) Held.
Seoul Liveclub SSAM
Seoul Queen Livehall
Oneman tour BuRn outshoot game Starts.
Oneman tour BuRn outshoot game Ends.
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY vol.5 3man Ishoku-hen~ (KuRt主催~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN'S PARTY vol.5 3マン異色編~) Held.
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY~Matsuro Saishuu Jihen (KuRt主催~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN'S PARTY~末路最終事変) Held.
KuRt presents live event Hatsu Shusai Live~!! Respect. Charisma MEN'S PARTY~ Shintei Dokuhaku Jihen (KuRt主催~!!リスペクト.カリスマMEN'S PARTY~心底独白事変) Held.
Christmas live X'mas Doubutsu party (X'mas 動物 party) held.
Vocalist Tenten (てんてん) secedes.
KuRt announce they will disband.
G. Yuma (癒マ) / G. Ryoki (伶姫) / B. Saburo (三狼) / D. Kiaki (規明)
KuRt disbands
KuRt was a visual kei band. They were part of the misshitsu kei and osare kei subgenres. They were active from 2004 to 2007 and are now disbanded.