Clair de Lune (クレアドルーン) forms.
At some unknown time, drummer Kana (華那) changes his name to TAKANe and bassist KAZU changes his to KAZUTAKE.
Bassist KAZU changes his name to KAZUTAKE.
The band appears in the TV Asahi (テレビ朝日) program PU-PU-PU-PU-PUFFY (VISUAL Kei darake no Daiundoukai RETURNS) (パパパパパフィー (ビジュアル系だらけの大運動会 RETURNS)).
Guitarist Hidezou (英蔵) changes his name to HiDe and guitarist Sae (莎瑛) changes his to SAE.
Guitarist SAE changes his name back to Sae (莎瑛) and guitarist HiDe changes his to HiDeZo.
Drummer TAKANe secedes.
Yuu (ゆう) begins as support drummer.
Support drummer Yuu (ゆう) ends support.
MASAKI begins as support drummer.
Clair de Lune disbands
Clair de Lune was a visual kei band. They were part of the soft visual subgenre. They were active from 1997 to 2000 and are now disbanded.
Through a youtube channel , it can be seen that the drummer MASAKI is the same drummer in Domestic†Child
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