IOLITE【Beyond the Landscape】Music Video (Full Ver.) 2021.12.27 Release 2nd Single (Digital)
2021.12.27 Release 2nd Single (Digital) 【Beyond the Landscape】
[収録内容] 01. Beyond the Landscape 02. HUMAN ERROR
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【Beyond the Landscape】 Lyric:youka / Music:youka Translator:keito/studio_opera Proof-reading:Sarah T.
A trivial matter brought him into the brink of despair. I wonder what his spiritless and clouded eyes were gazing at. I see his rusty dream floating and sinking to the depth of his true feelings he'd pretended not to care for.
He compared his 'to-be' with anyone' s. That changed him into a green-eyed monster. He saw 'tomorrow' mercilessly walking over the dream he'd scattered at his feet.
Tell me what you are thinking of around the clock, my better feelings. I hold my arms open to the world looking down on me. Has my cry reached you? Ah, you know, the world is still too brilliant for me to attain.
A river of lies colors my feet, dragging my dream down. I pose as a victim of the world. I hear a funeral train of the second hand of a clock ticking down without mercy. And the dream I cannot possibly seize ending up in smoke no matter how hard I tried.
In the 'to-be' where I try to find failures, in the 'to-be' filled with nothing but failures, I've surely seized a piece of dream possibly by chance.
You can see some flowers blossom soon to wither away here and there. Others never fail to wither away before reaching full bloom. That being so, flowers should allow the sun to rise as if he didn't know. And he will shine light into the world.
Tell me what you are thinking of around the clock, my better feelings. I hold my arms open to the world looking down on me. Has my cry reached you? Ah, you know, the world is still too brilliant for me to attain.
I've been praying for a little bit of hope in the world.