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Sadith Mary - Sadistic Tear
Sadistic Tear
Sadistic Tear
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Sadistic Tear
Sadistic Tear


  • A freely distributed CD. The release date is unknown, and most likely not 2006 because this likely isn't a SADIES MARRY (サディスマリィ) release - it was probably released before that.


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Sadith Mary - Sadistic Tear

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this is, most likely, not a release by サディスマリィ but by Sadith Mary. i own サディスマリィ's best of album which lists their entire discography and there's no mention of this release.

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Good, I'll move it over then.

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I think I originally found this on Puresound listed under サディスマリィ, and had a note in the description saying it was odd that they used this typeset for one release only. It makes more sense that it actually belongs to a different band altogether, but I wish they made more effort into picking names that are more unique 😤

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lmao at puresound not knowing there was a Sadith Mary xD

Sadith Mary - Sadistic Tear

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I'm guessing they misspelled the name because Sadisu (which is how they normally wrote their name) in Katakana could be written both Sadith or Sadies.

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2020-04-01 18:56:00

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