1. | Nekojita (PV)
猫舌 (PV)
猫舌 (PV)
2. | Hello Katty (PV)
Hello Katty (PV)
3. | -DRIVE- (making)
-ドライブ- (making)
-ドライブ- (making)
4. | BANZAI Osharekei (credits)
バンザイお洒落系 (credits)
バンザイお洒落系 (credits)
1. | Nekojita (PV)
猫舌 (PV)
猫舌 (PV)
2. | Hello Katty (PV)
Hello Katty (PV)
3. | -DRIVE- (making)
-ドライブ- (making)
-ドライブ- (making)
4. | BANZAI Osharekei (credits)
バンザイお洒落系 (credits)
バンザイお洒落系 (credits)
This VHS was sold only via DEViL KiTTY's official website. (Exact release date unknown, but sometime between February and June 2003.)
Are we sure about the content of this? Because there is an auction for this that says there are only 2 songs, and the only source I can find for this just lists "PV" and "Making". Is it possible that the Banzai Oshare Kei part is just the making of the other PVs?
Not sure at all! I think that the info came from an official source, but perhaps the details changed. Let’s change the tracklist but put in the notes that it may have been announced with the above 4 PVs.
Hopefully we can find more info.
Got the VHS, so just want to clarify. Both assertions are true. Basically Hello Katty is the only ”real” PV.
The SE track at the beginning is technically a PV too but it's just made with offshot footage and used as intro.
DRIVE is basically an offshot/making section that uses the full song so that's why some people call it a PV.
The last song plays over the credits (which feature more offshot/making footage) but fades out after a minute or two.
Sales venueofficial web shopオフィシャルウェブショップ |
Press limitationunspecified不特定 |
labelLuciffer's Record |