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Ex-FANATIC◇CRISIS members band FANTASTIC◇CIRCUS announces PV teaser +30th Anniversary Oneman Event

Ex-FANATIC◇CRISIS members band FANTASTIC◇CIRCUS announces PV teaser +30th Anniversary Oneman Event

FANTASTIC◇CIRCUS, formed in 2019 from ex- FANATIC◇CRISIS members, has released a new PV teaser.

FANTASTIC◇CIRCUS band consists of vocalist Ishizuki Tsutomu (石月 努), and guitarist SHUN. and Kazuya (和也). They are supported by bassist NATCHIN (ex- SIAM SHADE ) and drummer LEVIN (ex- La'cryma Christi ).

They have released a teaser PV for their song Hi no Tori (火の鳥). This is a cover of the FANATIC◇CRISIS song of the same name, and was rerecorded to celebrate the band's 30th anniversary.

Lastly, the band has announced their first big event. They will be holding a oneman event, Tensei (転生) -TENSEISM-, on May 14th at Tokyo Hibiya Yagai Daiongakudou (日比谷野外大音楽堂).


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Ex-FANATIC◇CRISIS members band FANTASTIC◇CIRCUS announces PV teaser +30th Anniversary Oneman Event

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Ohh, thanks for the clarity!

I tried to find when they started but they had like 23040234023042 retweets of the same announcement and I got tired of scrolling haha. I'll set this as a draft and fix it.
