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Showing news tagged Gensou Gakudan LucyCrown
幻奏楽団LucyCrown のニュース

2021-05-25 05:23:00 Alkaloid
Gensou Gakudan LucyCrown new mini-album: “Minstrel”

Gensou Gakudan LucyCrown (幻奏楽団LucyCrown) will release a new mini-album.

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2019-12-13 16:06:16 Seraphim
Gensou Gakudan LucyCrown new maxi-single: “Re:Zero Chronicle”

Gensou Gakudan LucyCrown (幻奏楽団LucyCrown) will release a new maxi-single.

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2019-01-02 17:14:25 Seraphim
New omnibus “Star Galaxy 2019”

The newly formed Star Mine & Funny Galaxy record label will put out a new omnibus. It features 3 tracks, 1 from each band signed.

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