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[Archived] chariots new sponsored event announced


chariots (now RIKU's solo project, remember) announced its next sponsored event for 2010-11-07. This time, the support members will be... G: 悠 (Yuu, Ultimate Sonic); G: ASHITO; B: 憂里 (Yuuri, Cu[be]); and D: zodd (ex-ZODIA (ゾディア)).

chariots sponsored event _subculture VOL:2_2010-11-07 at HOLIDAY OSAKA

Also, RIKU mentioned in his blog that he was doing fitting for new chariots outfits, but I'm not sure if he was joking or not. Hmmm. (The lineup looks awesome! I wish I could go, especially for Zaidan ;O;~)

  • Current music: GARDEN - Eyes for me・・・ | Powered by
  • Current mood: happy


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[Archived] chariots new sponsored event announced

anonymous hush_narumi
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Same line-up as before, isn't it? It really makes me wanna go there, since I miss Yuu and zodd so freakin' much x__x

Curious about the outfits 8D

[Archived] chariots new sponsored event announced

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Chariots outfits for a solo project? Phewwww...luxurious! I guess they go with the new 凛 outfits O=

[Archived] chariots new sponsored event announced

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Aaaahhh Zaidan ftw

[Archived] chariots new sponsored event announced

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w< I can't wait to see what Riku's going to do for chariots next. I had really liked them up until their last release. :/ You could tell they were falling apart in Yami.
