VieR (フィア) is formed by NAO in Osaka (大阪)大阪.
Guitarist JUN is a member at some point, probably around this time. He secedes at some point, but details/dates are unclear.
Guitarist JUNYA joins.
Unknown member(s) join around this time. Perhaps guitarist JUN seceded and was replaced by KEN?
Drummer KOUJI secedes.
Sometime later, guitarist KEN and bassist TADASHI secede (details/date unknown).
Bassist shunsuke joins.
Around this time, Naoki (直基) begins as support drummer.
V. NAO / G. JUNYA / B. shunsuke / Support D. Naoki (直基)
VieR disbands
VieR was a visual kei band in Osaka. They were active from 2002 to 2004 and are now disbanded.