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User submitted tags

  • scenes
    art keiアート系
    • Looks: flowing, muted, natural, editorial. Sounds: mid-tempo, jazzy, indie rock inspired, unusual instruments.
    misshitsu kei密室系
    • Looks: '70s~'80s inspired but dark or unsettling. Sounds: emotive rock instrumentation with high pop melodies.
    nagoya kei名古屋系
    • Looks: black & white, chic, violent. Sounds: speedy, intelligent, depressive, bass-heavy. Area: Nagoya. Active: '93~'01.
  • sounds like
    • Music that is more rock than pop; favors instrumentation.
  • other tags
    from vkei to non-vkei旧ビジュアル系
    • Began as a visual kei band but left the visual scene.
    • Certain brand of symphonic metal as espoused by user Shadow.
    • Representative of the “good old days” according to the user; usually introductory bands to a genre.
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