SKULL -THE SKULL- (スカル -THE SKULL-) forms in Sendai (仙台)仙台.
~Shougai Kichigai (生涯気違い)~ tour begins
~Shougai Kichigai (生涯気違い)~ tour ends
Tour BURST to LAST begins
Tour final is held
SKULL -THE SKULL- (スカル -THE SKULL-) changes its name to SKULL.
Coupling tour ends
First mini-album commemoration tour 【Ugly Black Showcase】 begins
Tour ends
Visunavi-sponsored 3-venue event ★Mixed Candies Vol.7★ is held
Oneman 【 Kuro i Bou Dou (黒 い 暴 動) 】 is held
Junpuumanpan ~Roku Daitoushi TOUR'08~ (順風満帆~6大都市TOUR'08~) tour begins
Tour ends
SKULL presents 【a BULLET of DARKNESS】 event is held
Member produced oneman tour 【IV BULLET'S】 begins
【IV BULLET'S】 tour ends
Dio -distraught overlord- x RENTRER EN SOI x SKULL threeman Heltic Vision is held
Coupling tour ends
Bassist Sakura (さくら) secedes.
Guitarist Kouta and bassist Ryou (りょう) join.
SKULL sponsored event THE BACK OF THE SKIN is held
Coupling tour ends
Yami wo Saku Kagerou to Koudou (闇を裂く陽炎と鼓動) tour begins
Tour ends
Coupling tour ends
Oneman is held
SKULL presents live HALLOWEEN PARTY (ハロウィンパーティー) is held
SKULL presents live THE BEGINNING OF DOOM AND DECAY -But my glitter does not wither-“act.I” is held
SKULL final presents live THE BEGINNING OF DOOM AND DECAY -But my glitter does not wither-“act.II” is held
Last oneman [THE END]THE BEGINNING OF DOOM AND DECAY -But my glitter does not wither-“act.FINAL” is held
SKULL disbands
SKULL revive for one-night
SKULL revive for one-night
SKULL was a visual kei band in Sendai. They were active from 2002 to 2011 and are now disbanded.