Luminous (ルーミナス) forms in Hiroshima (広島)広島.
(Note: the band had a drummer, but his details are unknown. It's also known that the band had a female vocalist, but her name is not confirmed--presumably this is Kira (鬼羅)).
First live is held.
Sometime between 1997 and August 1999, vocalist Kira (鬼羅) and the unknown drummer secede. Vocalist Kiyoha (聖羽) joins.
Vocalist Kiyoha (聖羽) secedes.
Vocalist Gai (我意) and drummer Hisaki (緋咲) join.
Bassist Jun (潤) temporarily secedes.
V. Gai (我意) / G. Ryo (凉) / D. Hisaki (緋咲)
Vocalist Gai (我意) and drummer Hisaki (緋咲) secede.
Vocalist MASATO joins. Bassist Jun (潤) re-joins.
Vocalist MASATO secedes, and is replaced by 4geya (pronounced "shigeya").
V. 4geya / G. Ryo (凉) / B. Jun (潤) (?)
Around this time, drummer Aki joins.
First live with new vocalist (4geya?) is held.
Rui (誄) joins as sixth(!) vocalist. Guitarist Kaname (奏瞑) may have been a member by this date, but this is unconfirmed.
V. Rui (誄) / G. Ryo (凉) / G. Kaname (奏瞑) / B. Jun (潤) / D. Aki (?)
Last live is held at Honatsugi (本厚木) FUZZY SCREAM.
Luminous disbands
Luminous was a visual kei band in Hiroshima. They were active from 1997 to 2002 and are now disbanded.