lucy forms as a solo project.
lucy changes names to lucy+peter=esolagoto
moyashit, YOSHIP0N and Kiri join as support members for most live performances. The band uses the name lucy+peter=esolagoto樂団 (lucy+peter=esolagoto gakudan) when performing with all four members and lucy+peter=esolagoto弐重奏 (lucy+peter=esolagoto nijuusou) when performing as a two member acoustic unit with Kiri.
V&G. lucy+peter=esolagoto / Support G. moyashit / Support B. YOSHIP0N / Support D. Kiri; or / V&G. lucy+peter=esolagoto / Support P. KIRI (キリ)
moyashit and Kiri join as official members and the band name permanently becomes lucy+peter=esolagoto Gakudan (lucy+peter=esolagoto樂団).
V&G. lucy+peter=esolagoto / D. KIRI (キリ) / Support B. YOSHIP0N
V&G. lucy+peter=esolagoto / G. moyashit / D. KIRI (キリ) / Support B. YOSHIP0N
moyashit leaves.
lucy+peter=esolagoto Gakudan (lucy+peter=esolagoto樂団) changes name to luin. Ketch and yoshipon join.
V&G. lucy+peter=esolagoto / Support G. KETCH (ケッチ) / B. yoshipon / D. KIRI (キリ)
luin is an active visual kei band. They are part of the art kei subgenre. They have been active since 2005.