Vocalist kamoi (kamoイ) and bassist Akino (晶乃) begin planning a band.
Later, they recruit guitarists Eiji and SANA.
LUCID・BARE INU (ルシド・バレイヌ) forms.
The correct romanization of the band's name has never been confirmed and is most often written as “LUCID・BRAIN.” However, a flyer seemingly confirms that the latter half should be romanized as BARE INU, as in 暴れ犬 {rampaging dog}.
V. kamoi (kamoイ) / G. Eiji / G. SANA / B. Akino (晶乃)
At some time during the year, vocalist kamoi (kamoイ) changes his name to Kamoi Hideichi (鴨居秀一).
Drummer Hideka (英華) joins.
V. kamoi (kamoイ) / G. Eiji / G. SANA / B. Akino (晶乃) / D. Hideka (英華)
First live is held.
Bassist Akino (晶乃) secedes.
Bassist Azama (風間) joins.
Vocalist Kamoi Hideichi (鴨居秀一) changes his name to Hide① (秀①) (pronounced “Hideichi”).
LUCID・BARE INU (ルシド・バレイヌ) disbands
LUCID・BARE INU (ルシド・バレイヌ) was a visual kei band. They were active from 2001 to 2003 and are now disbanded.