depath (デパス) forms in Ibaraki (茨城)茨城.
Kasuke (かすけ) is said to have been the band's support bassist “around the start” and Yuu (佑) support guitarist during the band's first period. The band's early lineup is murky at best.
V. Ryo (魎) / Support G. Yuu (佑) / Support B. Kasuke (かすけ) / (?)
By this time, the band consists of “five” members, with vocalist Ryo (魎) also performing a separate role as “beast” (けだもの). The position of Toriko (虜) is unconfirmed, as he's simply listed as “novice” (へなちょこ).
Around this time, guitarist Rin (凛) joins.
By this time, vocalist Ryo (魎) and guitarist Rin (凛) seem to be the only official members. It's unclear when or how this change occurred (the vocalist later mentioned “the time that all the support members left leaving only me and Rin.”).
Sometime during the year, Eimu (鋭夢) begins as support guitarist and Sei (聖) begins as support bassist.
Sometime prior to May, Sei (聖) ends support.
At some point prior to June, depath pauses activity
Guitarist Rin (凛) secedes and support guitarist Eimu (鋭夢) ends support.
?. During the band's activity pause / ?. some members secede and others / J. Details are / U.
By April / ?. three new members / J. guitarist Kan (姦) / ?. guitarist Shin (紳) / ?. and bassist Syuu (愁).
V. Ryo (魎) / G. Kan (姦) / G. Shin (紳) / B. Syuu (愁)
Due to personal circumstances, bassist Syuu (愁) cancels his appearance at the band's upcoming lives and temporarily pauses his activity with the band.
depath switches from a band to a unit and continues with two members.
Guitarist Kan (姦) and bassist Syuu (愁) suddenly announce their secession.
red zone
V. Ryo (魎) / G. Shin (紳)
depath resumes activity as a formal band.
V. Ryo (魎) / Support G. Yuu (佑) / Support B. Asuka (飛鳥) / (?)
At some point, former support guitarist Yuu (佑) [minasoko] acts as support again, along with support bassist Asuka (飛鳥).
V. Ryo (魎) / Support G. Yuu (佑) / Support G. Shizuki (紫月) / Support B. Asuka (飛鳥)
Former support guitarist Yuu (佑) acts as support guitarist for the day, along with support guitarist Shizuki (紫月) and support bassist Asuka (飛鳥).
Takuma (逞) begins as support guitarist.
Guitarist Shin (紳) is fired for undisclosed reasons.
Support guitarist Takuma (逞) graduates from the band.
depath pauses activity
depath revives.
depath pauses activity
depath was a visual kei band in Ibaraki. They were active from 2003 to 2014 and are now disbanded.