HiZ (ハイズ) forms at some point in late 2013.
HiZ (ハイズ) holds their first live at Matsuyama (松山) Salon Kitty.
V. Siki (志輝) / G. Haruya (はるや) / G. kosukë / B. Tsukasa (司)
Support drummer Luvia officially joins the band.
V. Siki (志輝) / G. Haruya (はるや) / G. kosukë / B. Tsukasa (司) / D. Luvia
Bassist Tsukasa secedes.
V. Siki (志輝) / G. Haruya (はるや) / G. kosukë / D. Luvia
Live Gekijou no Aka (激情の赤) is held at Takamatsu (高松) DIME.
Participates in the PS COMPANY presents live 『Meikyoushisui vol.48』 ( 『明鏡止水vol.48』) at 高田馬場AREA
Live at 高松GETHALL
Participates in the DIEALO live Die A Live !! at 名古屋HOLIDAY NEXT
Live held at 京都MOJO
Participates in the stylish wave-sponsored event Burei-ku #08 (無礼区 #08) at 大阪RUIDO
Live held at 池袋EDGE
Live held at 梅田Zeela
Live held at 池袋BlackHole
Live held at 十三GABU
Live held at 大阪LIVEHOUSE D'
Live held at 大阪MUSE
Live held at 高田馬場AREA
Final live is held at Shinjuku (新宿) 440.
CANIVAL disbands
CANIVAL was a visual kei band. They were part of the kote kei subgenre. They were active from 2013 to 2018 and are now disbanded.
All of this info was found on their Facebook which is public and I can provide links if needed.
Vo.Siki's birthday is 02/27.
Gt.kosukё's birthday is 10/01.
Gt.Haruya's birthday is 02/12.
Dr.Luvia's birthday is 08/25.
Ba.Tsukasa's birthday is 09/15.
I don't have the english for their names so if that's an issue please tell me!! 😅😅 Thanks