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CHiLLDReN - oto×oto
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  • An album that contains rerecordings, remasterings, and two new songs, released over 10 years after the band originally split. Two songs are also from other bands each member was later a part of: monot。。。。。n。 and ANT COLONY (アントコロニー). This was distributed / sold during a 2016 revival live.


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CHiLLDReN - oto×oto

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@robkun do you know anything about this album? I found it on PureSound but they didn't add many details other than release date.

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I own it. What other details were you looking to confirm?

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If it’s just a collection album or rerecordings, and if there’s only one monot。。。。。n。 song on it or more.

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There's only one monot。。。。。n。 song on there, though track 12 is actually 夢に月 from the band ANT COLONY (アントコロニー). I guess this CD should also probably just be listed as a CHiLLDReN release instead of an omnibus since that's how it was released. As for the songs: track 8 is a different version, tracks 9 and 13 are new. All of the other CHiLLDReN songs on there have different mastering, but are the same recording.

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Ohh, PureSound listed that ANT COLONY (アントコロニー) song as all one word so I didn't know sodfksodgjsok

Thanks for the clarification!

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