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SOUNDRIVE - [And Vision・・・]

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[And Vision・・・]
[And Vision・・・]
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demo (デモ)
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  • There seem to be three versions of this tape, but the details are murky. The band's website confirms two of them: the original, freely distributed in December 1999, and a later version called ver3.0 which features an alternate jacket.

    This is likely the very first version, as images of the back confirm that it was freely distributed in December 1999. This version features four members' faces (two official members + two support members) in color print, along with the band's name and the official members' names (SHINOBU SUZUKI / YOU KATAOKA).

    The tracklist of this tape is not confirmed. However, there exists a tape with a plain white cover printed with the band's name, the names SHINOBU SUZUKI / YOU KATAOKA, and the text “Demo MT.” According to an auction listing and a listing on PureSound, the actual title of said Demo MT is “And Vision,” which would make it a second(?) press of this tape. Unfortunately this title would likely be printed on the spine or on the tape itself, and we have photos of neither. At any rate, PureSound lists the tracklist of so-called Demo MT as Love & Dream and RevoLution—so we assume, but can't confirm, that those are the tracks included in this version.

    The version called ver3.0 is presumably the third press. That was likely released around October 2000 and features a blackish cover with the words “AND VISION” printed in white on the front.


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