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Scarlet Valse - Inferno
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4,400 yen
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Scarlet Valse - Inferno

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A strong release that not only offers a catchy and well-written experience but a defined sound with it's heavy use of synthetic sounds, powerful and uplifting choruses and guitar based writing. This is definitely a release that will appeal to fans of the heavier more epic approach to Visual Kei music but regardless is worth checking out. Inferno offers a brooding and dark approach with chugging guitars, church organ melodies and distorted shouts whilst Cruelty Lovers is more standard approach that borders on power metal with it's emphasis on guitar and inspiring chorus.

The instrumentation is on point throughout this whole release whether it's the icey synths mixing with the forboding choirs in 'Inferno', the guitar, vocals and piano intertwining in 'Cruelty Lovers' or Kakeru's vibrato and smooth mid-range running throughout the whole release. Each song has a dynamic and tightly composed feel to it with it's variety of symphonic elements combined with some highly melodic phrases, guitar solos intense drum work. Although it's easy for songs to get bogged down by too much going Scarlet Valse are able to retain the clarity of each song and instrument which is best exemplified in falldown with both the guitar and synthetic strings trading places for lead melodies before backing the vocals in the chorus.

Overall it's a polished release both in terms of it's individual elements and production, everything gels nicely and there's a lot to keep the listener interested. The guitar solos are fitting and well written without coming off as 'shredding', the bass and drums offer a tight knit rhythmic unit and both are given space to show off and the vocals suit the group nicely and offer a well rounded sound with good technique.

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Nice review! I agree with most of it; I just wish the main guitar riff of "Cruelty Lovers" wasn't ripped from a Megaromania song.

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2020-03-01 20:16:59

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