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Gyakutai Neurose (※ Fake)
虐待ノイローゼ (※ Fake)
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demo (デモ)
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  • This release doesn't exist. Terekos with these two songs were being sold on Yahoo auctions for exorbitant prices, and former vocalist Casuga had to call them out for selling fake tapes and cleared that they had only recorded an SE track that never got released


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Ma'die Küsse - Gyakutai Neurose (※ Fake) (Ma'die Küsse - 虐待ノイローゼ (※ Fake))

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I don't know why this was put back up. It was confirmed to be fake

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Just confirming that this has reappeared due to a bug. It is still confirmed fake. I'll remove when possible.

Ma'die Küsse - Gyakutai Neurose (※ Fake) (Ma'die Küsse - 虐待ノイローゼ (※ Fake))

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Is this confirmed to exist? I know both songs exist as live versions, notably a famous tereko, but does a proper demo actually exist?

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It seems to be!

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Hopefully it'll show up on an auction soon! From what I've heard from the tereko, Yurikago is a pretty cool sounding song.

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Last updated
2022-06-07 21:54:32

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