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Chillkey Labemds - To Stage / Black & White / Alone COLOR
To Stage / Black & White / Alone COLOR
To Stage / Black & White / Alone カラー
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500 yen
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  • Two versions seem to exist of this demo - one with a colour cover and one with a monochrome one. It is unknown exactly how these versions differ.


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Chillkey Labemds - To Stage / Black & White / Alone COLOR (Chillkey Labemds - To Stage / Black & White / Alone カラー)

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This demotape is listed as for sale on a flyer advertising the band's April~August 1999 lives. So I've changed the release date for both versions from August 2000 to April 1999. If someone has confirmation about the month, please let me know.

Chillkey Labemds - To Stage / Black & White / Alone COLOR (Chillkey Labemds - To Stage / Black & White / Alone カラー)

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The cover image is different from the tape I have ( Which is correct?

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I've gone ahead and marked your image as default, seeing as I can't find references to any other covers elsewhere. @kumika might be able to elaborate? In the case that there are multiple cover variations, we might as well go ahead and split the entry. Thank you for the information!

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It seems that the image @kumika added is from a blog. Here's the full image:

I guess there is a different jacket type?

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I'll take the liberty to split these pages up. Thank you!

Edit: Just noticed that @kumika is credited on that blog. Thanks!

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Actually yes, my cover art is from the scan of my own tape!

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By the way, I'm not sure about this band being related to 01 Completion. As there is nothing else on the tape.

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As far as I know, that info came from a 01 COMPLETION/GLOW IN THE SOUND BEAST ad from a SHOXX magazine. I don't have a scan or know what issue it was in though, so I can't confirm atm.

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