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2021-03-21 11:01:00 cherrylng
D will hold a non-audience show "Ouka Sakisome ni Keri 2021"

This spring, D will celebrate its 18th anniversary. To celebrate their 18 years together as a band, they will hold a non-audience performance, the live show named as "Ouka Sakisome ni Keri 2021" (桜花咲きそめにけり 2021), at Warp Station Edo on April 6th (Tue), the anniversary of their formation!

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2021-03-21 03:37:00 deleted_user_400
BAN×GUMI Activity Start - Leaders’ Talk-

BAN×GUMI vocalist Hikaru and guitarist Yotsuba kindly provided this self-interview as a JROCK'N'ROLL x collaboration. Please enjoy reading it.

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2021-02-21 08:46:00 inartistic
KAIRI (Siva) announces birthday event with KISAKI and UNDER CODE PRODUCTION labelmates!

SIVA vocalist KAIRI (カイリ) has announced his birthday event, a miraculous reunion of KISAKI and many UNDER CODE PRODUCTION labelmates!

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2020-11-15 01:34:00 OmoideNoKage
3-man live streaming show announced: 18shuunen to Yobareta Otoko to Onna・・・。

It has just been announced that a 3-man show "18shuunen to Yobareta Otoko to Onna・・・。" (18周年と呼ばれた男と女・・・。), featuring THE SOUND BEE HD, glamscure and E.T, is going to be held on November the 17th and streamed through Twitcasting.

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2020-10-09 10:34:00 OmoideNoKage
En'Cell♰Dis'Dein releases a physical version of “THE MISSING DEAD”

【En'Cell♰Dis'Dein】 will release a physical version of "THE MISSING DEAD" on October 10th. This exclusive edition includes two additional tracks and will be available for sale through LIKE AN EDISON stores as well as their webshop.

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2020-09-28 02:29:00 cherrylng
Live report of Hide and Seek Dorothy

Catching the first live show of hide-and-seek Dorothy! Transform your home into a DL (Dorothy Land), a space where wonderful dreams spread!

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2020-09-21 03:31:00 OmoideNoKage
The Ghost inside of Me announces 2 Section Oneman Show ~LIVE BROADCAST ver.~

The Ghost inside of Me have just announced they are going to hold a live broadcasted show called "Amayo no Hoshi~Capella~" (「雨夜の星~Capella~」). It's going to take place on November 3rd, at 7 P.M. JST, and is going to be streamed from Shinsaibashi BtD SHOVEL (心斎橋BtD SHOVEL).

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2020-09-07 01:38:00 OmoideNoKage
FerrisWheeL announces a YouTube-streamed show

FerrisWheeL have just announced that they are going to hold a YouTube-streamed show. The event, called "Dai 3 Jikkenshitsu -FEEL OF NOSTALGIA-" (「第3実験室 -FEEL OF NOSTALGIA-」) is going to take place on September the 21st, at 8 P.M. JST.

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2020-08-02 02:04:00 OmoideNoKage
Session project: Crucifixion -mode of [INISIE]-

Crucifixion's guitarist, Ryouka (琉華), has recently undergone a surgery for a herniated disk. While he's recuperating, the band has decided to form a session project with their former bandmate, Kuja (摎邪, currently in FerrisWheeL) on guitar.

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2020-07-25 12:45:54 OmoideNoKage
NOi'X and Aliene Ma'riage 2MAN announced

It has just been announced that NOi'X and Aliene Ma'riage will perform on Friday, November the 13th during an event called "『SYNAPSE no Housoku』 ~Kajitsu to Kyoujin naru Juujika~ -Shiina & MAST Seitansai- (『シナプスの法則』 ~果実と狂人なる十字架~ -詩那&MAST聖誕祭-)". A privilege will be given to attendees.

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