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Second Period UNDER FALL JUSTICE revealed: activity restarts on 7/5 [PR]

Second Period UNDER FALL JUSTICE revealed: activity restarts on 7/5 [PR]

UNDER FALL JUSTICE has finally lifted the veil on their revival.

Today, on June 18th, UNDER FALL JUSTICE releases new artist photos. The image of Second Period UNDER FALL JUSTICE is shown here. Their visuals are more colorful than ever, and the band will revealing little-by-little the thoughts that went into them.

V. Maeda Airo (前田 愛郎)

V. Maeda Airo (前田 愛郎)

The band, which had temporarily paused activity in December of last year, has been undergoing a limited period of activity under their old name, Seigi Suuhai Kyoudan JUSTICE KING (『正義』崇拝教團JUSTICE KING). But all the while, they've making behind-the-scenes preparations. This is a band who is always working, even when they're “inactive.”

G. Hayase Shoma (早瀬 渉真)

G. Hayase Shoma (早瀬 渉真)

This Second Period UNDER FALL JUSTICE will resume activities from July 5th. Information about their planned lives is below, and a word from the band follows.

  • The band's 44-minute-limited free oneman CULT, ~Fukkatsu Joshou~ (~復活序章~) {resurrection prologue}, will be held on July 5th at Ebisu aim, 9th at Nagoya Kurumamichi LINK, and 18th at Shinsaibashi JUZA.

  • Their 44-minute-limited free oneman CULT, ~Fukkatsu Zenyasai~ (~復活前夜祭~) {resurrection eve}, will be held on August 21st at Nagoya (名古屋) Sakae RAD (栄RAD).

  • Finally, their full oneman CULT, and birthday celebration for spirit familiar (vocalist) Maeda Airo (前田 愛郎), Fukkatsusai & Tsukaima Airo Seitan Matsuri Tandoku CULT (~復活祭&使い魔 愛郎生誕祭単独カルト~) {post-resurrection celebration}, will be held on August 26th at Nagoya (名古屋) Oosu RAD HALL (大須RAD HALL).

  • The band will also appear at the following event lives: 7/26 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA, 7/27 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA, 8/5 Ikebukuro (池袋) RUIDO K3, 8/18 Shinsaibashi (心斎橋) SHOVEL, 9/14 HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA.

B. Sugino Akito (杉野 暁兎)

B. Sugino Akito (杉野 暁兎)

From the band:

  • UNDER FALL JUSTICE: a band for whom the phrase ‘second coming of Nagoya-kei’ is often used; a band whose unique world view resonates with many fans, even beyond so-called VK; a band who has established a solid position as a ‘band representative of Nagoya.’ With regret, we suspended activities in December of last year.”

“While inactive, we continued under the name of JUSTICE KING, as a limited-period revival of that band. We released a collection album of sold-out songs from that time, and vocalist Maeda Airo (前田 愛郎) revealed more of his unique world view through his solo debut. Then on June 13th, on Twitter and our homepage, we released our new artist photos in silhouette, with a countdown attached.”

“As soon as we announced our CULT (live) schedule, expectations increased: from June 14th, we were the #1 search ranking on V-PLUS for 8 days in a row.”

“Finally, we've removed the veil of mystery and unveiled Second Period UNDER FALL JUSTICE.”

“It's not only our appearance that has changed. We've prepared a new world and music that pursues a unique world view, even more so than our previous activities. With the emergence of our new UNDER FALL JUSTICE, we'll show not just Nagoya, but the whole country: expect even more than just ‘Nagoya-kei = UNDER FALL JUSTICE.’”

For the band's oneman on August 21st, at Nagoya (名古屋) Sakae RAD (栄RAD), the phrase “Resurrection Eve” is used. Does that mean, then, that the official revival of UNDER FALL JUSTICE is on August 22nd? What can we expect their movement after that to be? That information has not yet been revealed. We'll have to hold on to this clue and wait for the band's follow up.

D. Ikezumi Jin (生悦住 刃)

D. Ikezumi Jin (生悦住 刃)


TEXT: Nagasawa Tomonori (長澤智典)


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