The new releases playlist for February 2021 is now live!
Continuing on with the series we've started last month, a new playlist has been created for releases debuted or added to the Spotify platform within the month of February.
The list will be added as the month goes on, but as of the time writing this, there is over an hour of new tunes to check out.
This month contains entries from: NETH PRIERE CAIN (featured artist), Sick² , KARASU (鴉-カラス-) , Kiryu (己龍) , remembrance , GOLDEN BOMBER (ゴールデンボンバー) , INORAN , HIZAKI , MATENROU OPERA (摩天楼オペラ) , Schizophrenica (スキゾフレニカ) , DOUKETE KARASU (道化て鴉) , RONOVELL , MATHILDA (マチルダ) , SHELLMY (シェルミィ) , THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S , LAY ABOUT WORLD , and NEVERLAND .
Happy listening! 🎵