This month's featured artist is: VIRGE (ヴァージュ)!
This is the third installment of the New Releases Playlist for 2022 ♫ It contains new music, as well as music newly added to the platform.
Cover artwork was made + photographed by OmoideNoKage.
As of right now, we have entries from: Zero[Hz] (零[Hz]), Shoujo S (少女S), HITCHCOCK (ヒッチコック), jewel ring, ANFIEL (アンフィル), Zig+Zag, DazzlingBAD, ZON, LM.C, AISARE, Revival☆Chronicle (リバイバル☆クロニクル), Z CLEAR, UNDER FALL JUSTICE, Riku (戮), DIAURA, Kimino VIRUS (キミノウィルス), E.T, and more!
Previous Playlists: