Visual kei news

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2022-02-01 13:32:00 suji
More details about DIMLIM's new best album

dimlim, who just announced their disbandment back in December, will release their collection album this coming February!

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2021-12-15 11:16:00 suji
DIMLIM will disband

dimlim has announced that they will disband on February 25th.

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2021-08-26 20:55:00 deleted_user_400
New band NiiX Y formed by ex-Lolita23q's guitarist & ex-the Lotus's drummer

New band NiiX Y have begun their activities on August 26th.

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2020-06-20 21:22:21 Seraphim User Data: 2019 - 2020

A year ago, I wrote an article about what kinds of users we have a, answering questions like "Where do we live?" and "What kinds of devices do we use?" Today I am here to answer these questions again, but for 2019 through 2020.

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2020-06-10 17:21:00 Seraphim
All visual kei bands on Spotify in 2024

Every day, there are more and more visual kei bands on Spotify. Although it's great to have access to vkei on streaming services, it's increasingly difficult to keep track of what is available where. We hope that this page can help you find vkei music more easily.

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2020-05-02 00:00:00 inartistic
DIMLIM launches worldwide online store

DIMLIM has opened their new online store, which will allow worldwide shipping.

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2020-02-17 10:19:04 deleted_user_400
Dimlim concert in Mexico City cannceled

DIMLIM stated on their official Facebook that their show in MEXICO CITY has been canceled due low sales. Only about 30 people bought a ticket for the show, which isn't enough to cover the tour costs for going to that country.

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2020-02-04 19:56:14 deleted_user_400
DIMLIM new full album: “MISC.”

dimlim has released a new full album.

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2019-07-11 14:47:52 inartistic
DIMLIM guitarist and bassist to secede

DIMLIM guitarist Ryuya (竜弥) and bassist Taishi (大志) will secede.

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2019-05-09 20:35:04 Seraphim
DIMLIM new single “Rijin”

dimlim will put out a new single.

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2018-11-17 18:30:58 inartistic
NAZARE new full album “Jingai”

NAZARE will put out a new full album.

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