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[Archived] Big News: New Band!


シンディケイト (CindyKate (シンディケイト)) is joining UNDER CODE! They've been around for a while, but it's always nice to have some new BLOOD at the label.

I never got into them, but I'm not opposed to them either. Their current costumes remind me of early Arc, so maybe KISAKI is trying that route out again. What do you guys think?

(Locking this post because it hasn't been officially announced yet--files have just been uploaded at the OHP, so things could still change.)

  • Current music: 椎名林檎 「マヤカシ優男」
  • Current mood: intrigued


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[Archived] Big News: New Band!

anonymous xmomoxmiwakox
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I'm so VERY happy ^_^ I waited for this ;] I like Cindykate < 3 Kisaki knows what is good :DDD Yeah ** love love love < 3333

[Archived] Big News: New Band!

anonymous asukayakuza1234
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cindy kate are awesome!! But not typically a band which Undercode would sign. Its oshare-ish. I love "i love cat". and the singer surprisingly has a good voice :O

[Archived] Big News: New Band!

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I'm glad you're excited! What are some of your favorite songs by them?

[Archived] Big News: New Band!

anonymous deadly_firefly
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OMG thats amazing _ I LOVE CindyKATE _ they are such a great band!!!
