halka and sou form a band with the concept of dark & sharp and perform only twice with sky on drums and an unknown member as support bassist.
emmurée (アンミュレ) hold first live.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Sakura (桜羅) / D. sky (空-sky-)
sky secedes.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Sakura (桜羅)
Shizuma joins.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Sakura (桜羅) / D. Shizuma (静真)
Sakura and Shizuma secede.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Tomo (support)
Tomo officially joins on bass.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Tomo (朋)
Toshiomi plays as support drummer. However, a lot of concerts were still held without a drummer due to his scheduling conflicts until he gets fired around the middle of the year.
Twoman with KENLLRE (キナルラ) held.
First oneman held. Yuki starts playing as support drummer.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Tomo (朋) / D. Yuki (support)
Yuki becomes an official member.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Tomo (朋) / D. Yuki
Twoman live with DUMMY CHILDREN held.
First self-sponsored live event held.
emmurée present Taihai Romance no Tsudoi (頽廃ロォマンスの集い) live event held as the first live of their tour Taihai Romance (頽廃ロォマンス).
Tour final oneman held. emmurée announce they will go on hiatus.
emmurée go on hiatus
emmurée plays at the event GATE OF CHAOS But is still on hiatus.
emmurée resume activities.
Oneman Gray Note Freak Show Held.
emmurée present event Antique -Collection-.
Oneman Antique -Basement- Held.
Oneman Kokyuu (呼吸) held.
Oneman Gypsy Held.
emmurée Summer Festival dark maniacs. Held.
Twoman live with MUNIMUNI Kurofuku Gentei GIG -Manatsu no yoru no yume- (黒服限定GIG -真夏の夜の夢-) held.
One man "Freak Show" 『dark maniac』 held.
Tour love letter -Dark Maniacs Parade- Starts (3 lives).
Oneman "Freak Show" 『love letter -Adeste Fideles-』 held.
love romance tour starts.
love romance tour final held.
Coupling tour with MUNIMUNI and 101A GHOST OF ROMANCE TOUR -episode 1- Starts (3 lives).
One man "Freak Show" 『SHOW END TIME』 held.
Oneman Yuuhei sareta Sekai (幽閉された世界) held.
Tour emmurée Summer Carnival 2008 starts with the oneman Loves dark..
Tour emmurée Summer Carnival 2008 continues with the oneman More dark..
Tour emmurée Summer Carnival 2008 Ends with a self-sponsored live.
Tour phenomenal tour Starts (3 lives).
Tour final oneman the phenomenal world. Held
Coupling tour with MUNIMUNI and 101A GHOST OF ROMANCE TOUR Starts (3 lives).
Oneman Doku ni oboreru mitsubachi to, shigatsu no ame (毒に溺れる蜜蜂と、四月の雨。) held.
Coupling tour with MUNIMUNI and 101A GHOST OF ROMANCE TOUR Final.
Twoman with The Candy Spooky Theater GATE OF CHAOS SPECIAL "Yuuhei"666"Theater" Held.
Tour -Furusato Meguri TOUR- (-故郷巡りTOUR-) starts (4 lives in each member's hometown).
emmurée Summer Festival 2009 "Ankoku Summer's" held.
Threeman live with ASYLUM and MUNIMUNI Manatsu no yoru no yume (真夏の夜の夢) held.
10th Anniversary oneman history of emmurée Held. The live was divided into two parts and 32 songs from the band's career were performed.
Oneman LIGHT & SHADE. Held.
New album release tour starts (8 lives).
New album release tour final oneman.
SUMMER CARNIVAL 2010 TOUR ~Nettaiya~ (~熱帯夜~) starts (13 gigs).
SUMMER CARNIVAL 2010 TOUR ~Nettaiya~ (~熱帯夜~) final oneman live held
Tour dates are 11/08, 11/22, 11/23 and 12/23
-SUMMER CARNIVAL 2010 ENCORE TOUR- starts (3+1 lives).
Oneman Hokage (灯陰) held.
-SUMMER CARNIVAL 2010 ENCORE tour final date held.
12th Anniversary oneman Freak Show roots. Held. Due to the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami the live is changed into an acoustic performance and the actual anniversary oneman gets rescheduled to June 25th.
GHOST OF ROMANCE TOUR 2011 starts (3 lives).
Gray Note oneman Freak Show XXXX.Paint It Black Held.
Sponsored event GATE OF CHAOS ~Four Dark Nights~ Held.
12th Anniversary oneman Freak Show roots. Rescheduled performance held (title: “12.4” th Anniversary Gray Note “One Man” Freak Show『the roots of real.』).
Live event Kisetsu Hazure no Summer Carnival (季節外れの サマァ カァニヴァル) held.
Tour Nii Maru Ichi Ichi TOUR (二〇一一(にーまるいちいち)TOUR) starts (10 lives).
13th Anniversary oneman XIII Held.
National tour Zenkoku Yuuhei TOUR é【acute】 (全国“幽閉”TOUR é【acute】) starts (9 lives).
Tour final oneman acute sense Held.
Oneman tour Yuuhei Sareta Sekai (幽閉された世界) starts (4 lives).
Two days oneman tour Yuuhei Sareta Sekai (幽閉された世界) final held. emmurée announce they will slow down activities from 2013.
14th Anniversary oneman Freak Show 『emmurée is not dead』 held.
Oneman live rain held. Yuki secedes.
TELL joins.
?. 23 / V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Tomo (朋) / D. TELL
emmurée oneman Freak Show 『15th.』.
emmurée 16th Anniversary live "16th.".
Oneman Ame wa Bara no you ni (雨は薔薇のように).
emmurée presents GATE OF CHAOS SPECIAL "Mado." (窓。)
Tour Kisetsu Hazure no Summer Carnival Starts.
Twoman with Femme Fatale Art informel -minuit-.
Tour final oneman Mado no Soto wa, Carnival (窓の外は、カァニバル。).
TELL secedes.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / B. Tomo (朋) / D. yas (support)
Emmurée 19th Anniversary "oneman" liveS 「circus.」.
Emmurée monthly "oneman" tour 『lightless in NAGOYA』.
Emmurée Special "oneman" Freak Show Ankoku Matsuri (暗黒祭).
Emmurée monthly "oneman" tour 『lightless in OSAKA』.
Emmurée monthly "oneman" tour 『lightless in SENDAI』.
Emmurée monthly "oneman" tour 『lightless in NIIGATA』.
emmurée monthly "oneman" tour final *Lightless ~Oboroge ni, Tayutau~ (~朧げに、猶予う。~).
Emmurée 20th anniversary year special GIGS 1 *Yuuhei Sareta Sekai ~Yuuhei Sarete 20nen, Rouho no Aji.~ (幽閉された世界~幽閉されて20年、老舗の味。~) held.
Emmurée 20th anniversary year special liveS -GATE OF CHAOS SPECIAL - "Kuroi Yoru." (黒い夜。) held.
Emmuree 20th anniversary year special liveS Hokage Oneman held.
Emmuree 20th anniversary year special liveS love letter -dark mania- Oneman held.
Emmuree 20th anniversary year special liveS EMMUREE Oneman held.
Emmuree 20th anniversary year special liveS Mado no Soto wa, Carnival. Oneman held.
Twoman with umbrella held.
Emmuree 20th anniversary year special liveS "FINAL" 19992019 held.
Twoman with KALAVINKA (カラビンカ) held.
Oneman "Kisetsu hazure no, tandoku Summer Carnival" (季節外れの、単独サマァカァニバル。)
Twoman with luin held.
Twoman with dieS held.
2first anniversary oneman "21 Seiki no Seishin Ijousha" (21世紀の精神異常者).
22nd anniversary oneman "FUTURE FOR FUTURE".
Threeman live with Kaya and Calmando Qual "GATE OF CHAOS" held.
Emmurée summer festival 2021 "Kisetsu hazure no , Summer Carnival" (季節外れの、サマァカァニバル。) held.
Twoman with MUNIMUNI "Natsu no yoru wa natsu - GEL LAST DANCE-" (夏の夜は夏 -GEL LAST DANCE-) held.
Oneman held.
Twoman live with dieS held.
23rd anniversary oneman Freak Show “Kaisou Suru, Roomance.” (回想する、ロォマンス。). Former drummer Yuki joins the band on stage as a support member.
Twoman live with THE DEAD P☆P STARS held.
Halka mania ultimate special oneman 『ハルカマニア(バード)』 held.
Oneman “Yuuhei Sareta Sekai -Closed gate-“ (幽閉された世界-Closed gate-).
emmurée temporarily pauses activities
Oneman “Yuuhei Sareta Sekai -Closed gate-“ (幽閉された世界-Closed gate-). Bassist Tomo (朋) secedes.
V. Sou (想) / G. halka (ハルカ) / Support B. Yamamoto Nobuhiko (山本伸彦) / Support D. Lotto
So・・・birthday live 2023 『Yuuhei, Mugon no Kanshoku.』 (『幽閉、無言の感触。』) held. -live
emmurée presents live event "GATE OF CHAOS" held.
emmurée presents live event "Kisetsuhazure no, Summer Carnival" (季節外れの、サマァカァニバル。) held.
Twoman with yoru (夜-yoru-) "「Hakuka」-Kutachisarite Annya ni Utau-" (「白花」-降ち至りて暗夜に詠う-) held.
Twoman with umbrella "【um/em】" held.
Twoman with Madmans Esprit (매드맨즈 에스프리) held.
Emmurée 25th anniversary oneman "Shihanseiki Romance (四半世紀ロォマンス)" held.
Halka birthday event "halkamania (ハルカマニア)" held.
Sponsored event "GATE OF CHAOS" Held.
Twoman with KALAVINKA (カラビンカ) held.
Twoman with RENAME held.
emmurée is an active visual kei band. They are part of the art kei and misshitsu kei subgenres. They have been active since 1999.